The year 2022 is already here and the team at Baby Bitcoin welcome it with our arms wide open. True to the ideals of the community, we want this new year to see us more active than ever before so that our environment continues to grow and generate benefits to everyone who forms part of it.
This 6th of January commemorates the feast of the three kings in much of the world and it is a tradition to give gifts to children to celebrate the event. With this in mind, we want to announce to you that Baby Bitcoin will be making a donation of a freezer and a fan to the community dining room “Carita Feliz” managed by Paola.
It is located in the town of Villa Martelli in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The dining room provides daily meals for 150 humble children in the area who could not have the necessary meals by the efforts made by Paola Natalia Pelida, founder of the dining room, her co-workers and the anonymous donors that the community dining room has every day.
The freezer donated by BBTC will help the people in the dining room to store more food on a daily basis so that the children can ensure a better quality and quantity of meals. The industrial fan will allow people who work every day like Paola to be cooler in their tasks, especially in the summer time where temperatures reach 40 ° C.
Also part of the Argentinian BBTC community will be giving out presents donated by Baby Bitcoin to the children for the day of the three kings. These gifts are so that the most needy children can have their well-deserved toy. The delivery will be led by the Argentine rapper and ambassador of BBTC in Argentina “Fianru”.
With this, we hope that the day of the three kings will be a different and magical day for the “Carita Feliz” dining room, and that the children can have a better quality of life because they are the future of the world around us, they can be the ones who further accelerate the crypto revolution in the future. For all this, we want to thank the effort made by the BBTC community to make the less fortunate a little happier.